Quick and Healthy Dinner: Cous Cous with Chicken and Veggies
Nancy Johnson Horn, The Mama Maven Blog
This simple dinner of <g class="gr_ gr_77 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling ins-del" id="77" data-gr-id="77">cous cous</g>, chicken and veggies is healthy and will please everyone from parents to picky kids.
2packages of Couscous - I used Near East's Chicken flavored Cous Cous
1/3package of baby carrotssliced
1cup1/4 Chicken brothnote, we didn't have enough chicken broth to do what the instructions on the box called for, which was 2 1/2 cups chicken broth, so we subbed in water.
Heat up <g class="gr_ gr_123 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-ins doubleReplace replaceWithoutSep" id="123" data-gr-id="123">big</g> pot for steaming - use the bigger steamer insert
When water is boiling, steam the hard veggies -- start with the cauliflower and then add the carrots
While that is steaming, lightly brown the chicken with additional olive oil
Once the chicken is browned, add that to the steamer.
Make the 2 packages of Couscous in a separate pot (just follow the directions on the box)
Then add cabbage to steamer pot (same time you're making the Cous Cous)
When Couscous is done, add everything together in a big bowl.
Garnish with <g class="gr_ gr_75 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling ins-del" id="75" data-gr-id="75">chick peas</g> if you wish and serve!