To taste3-4 strawberries, hulled and sliced. You can use frozen if you prefer.
1.5cupsnonfat greek strawberry yogurtor you can use plain or vanilla
2capfuls LorAnn Strawberry Bakery Emulsion
2tspsreduced fat strawberry preserves
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Prepare the Ninja CREAMi Frozen Yogurt mix 24 hours before. Add all the ingredients together and mix in your CREAMI container. Then chill the mixture in the freezer for 18-24 hours. Once it's set, then run it in the Ninja CREAMI on the Frozen Yogurt setting (which is a 5).
You may need to run it though another mixing cycle, but don't do more than that (unless you've added guar gum or sugar free jello pudding mix in it to bind it better.
Unlike the regular low fat ice cream I usually make, I didn't add any stabliizers to this so it didn't get as firm of a texture. However, it had a soft serve texture like the frozen yogurt I adore.
This will store well in the freezer, use a insulated food container. I like this one by Hydrapeak.