Today is my youngest child’s IEP/Turning 5 meeting.
I’ve been to these before, with my oldest child (it actually wasn’t a big deal). However, this one? Not so sure. S in a Special Ed preschool and gets OT, PT, Speech, and Counseling. He didn’t speak until he was 3 and while he’s come a long way speech-wise, he’s not where he should be yet. He acts around a year younger, but is actually pretty smart and can tell you every single dinosaur that ever lived, plus he’s starting to read some words. But on the other side, he may have ADHD, he definitely has behavorial issues (not sure how/what/why) and he still isn’t potty trained (he’ll be 5 this summer, in mid-August).
While I’m not happy about the potty training, it’s not his biggest issue. But, unless he is given a toileting paraprofessional, it will be a problem. Luckily, except for 1 day a week, I am nearby, working from home, if they let me come and change him.
We are getting him evaluated for ADHD, which is the bigger issue. My oldest has ADHD, but S is not the same. We held off on medication for my older son until he was 8 1/2 and it was a huge success, but I don’t know if it will help S. I think there is behavioral issues going on also, but I’m not sure what to do and who to see for it. I’ve spoken about this before (see this post While S’s behavior has gotten better, he still gets very angry at us. He tantrumed his way through South Florida, when we went at the end of February. So much so that I am not sure if I ever want to take him on vacation ever again. Seriously. It was bad, with a few bright spots.
But back to his education. I know that our local school’s K-2 class will be good for him. Initially I had been resistant, I wanted him mainstreamed – but we tried that from September to November in his special ed preschool and it didn’t work. He went back into a 12-1-2 and it worked.
In our local school, we have been talking to the special ed teacher, Mr. H for a few months. He has gone out of his way to talk to us and make us feel comfortable. He’s energetic, creative, and just may reach our boy.
So, wish me luck. I will need it.
Wishing you so much luck! I’ve been there, too. My middle son(who has ADHD and PDD-NOS) used to get so angry at everything. With the medication for ADHD, he doesn’t get angry unless there’s truly something to get angry about, instead of being mad over things that made absolutely no sense to us. He says his pills let him think about things so he doesn’t have to be mad(his words).
Thank you Shell, for sharing. I am hoping that medication may help my little guy. My 9 1/2 is on meds for focus and it has helped so much.
I have my fingers crossed and know that the stars will align for you and S. Such great programs!