Sometimes a small moment can give you clarity. Walking down a huge staircase in the subway yesterday, my 4 1/2 year old daughter kept whispering to herself, “I’m Brave, I’m Brave”. It nearly brought tears to my eyes. She’s been shy of steps and escalators lately, but it didn’t occur to me that she really was frightened. As soon as she said it, I was startled and realized that this really was a big fear for her. By saying “I’m Brave”, she empowered herself to walk down steps, which as a really small four year old, was scary in her world.
I complimented her and told her she was brave and let her set the pace a little more. We were going to a picnic on in Central Park. My kids take the subway often and steps aren’t new to them. I was letting her big brother walk a little ahead on this staircase (usually I have hold her and her big brother’s hands, as my husband carries the stroller down the steps). When we got down the steps, I hugged her and told her how proud I was of her.
Thank you to Disney’s Brave, who gave her the words (channeling Princess Merida) and the power within herself, which gave her the strength to be brave.
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