Thanks for all the blog comments and facebook comments about my picky eater and the holidays post. Happy to report that my little picky eater, “S” did eat. “S” got hungry before dinner was all ready — so I let him sit down at the table. He loved the pickles and I put a piece of gefilte fish (minced whitefish) on his plate and called it “Sweet Chicken”.

Double fisting the pickles.
Surprisingly he actually ate it. Normally that would backfired on me. I was able to get him to eat a few pieces of veggies and a piece of challah. That was it. “S” completely ignored the matzoh ball soup, cranberry sauce, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, tzimmes (a mixture carrots, sweet potatoes, and raisins — tasted like pumpkin pie), stuffing, and asparagus. My father didn’t really comment, but did tell Skylar to come back to the table and he refused. When we served dessert, he came back to the table for seven layer cake and my mother’s homemade crustless apple pie.

Chopped Liver and Cranberry Sauce on Challah.
My oldest one did great. “B” ate two slices of challah with chopped liver (we tell him it’s peanut butter) with cranberry sauce smeared on top. He asked for matzoh ball soup, and tried the tzimmes (he liked it so much that he asked for more). Since he’s turning nine, I can ask him to try a bite and if he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t have to eat him. Except for stuffing, that he ended up not liking, this strategy has really worked lately. “B” didn’t have the turkey or mashed potatoes, but I consider it a success!
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