Looking for a super simple 100th Day of school project? Make my 100th Day Idea: A pot of “Alphabet Soup”. We did this several years ago when my daughter was 5. As a former teacher I love to spark my kids to be creative and we had fun putting this one together. This was a pretty simple project, just make sure you have poster board (or a large piece of paper), sticky foam letters, crayons, and glue (if the foam letters won’t stick well).

You’ll need:
1 piece of white poster board
Draw or cut out a pot for the alphabet soup – I drew mine.
100 foam sticky-backed letters (count them out beforehand)
Glue Stick (in case the foam letters won’t stick)
A colored paper square (to write your child’s name — ie. “Allegra’s Alphabet Soup”
Draw your pot – or start drawing your pot and let your child finish it. Have them color inside and then count out 100 foam letters to place inside. Easy, right?

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