When I shop for food, the first thing I do is look for an organic option — and because of that, I spend a lot of money buying food for my family. I consider organic food to be a better choice for us and I want to make sure my children have the safest food possible. And if you notice, on this blog, I always try to recommend using organic food in my recipes. But we need more organic options in this country. There should be more organic farmers . People should have more information on why organic food is better for us. Organic food should be more affordable and available for everybody. I have to decide what I spend my dollars on. Have you heard of an organic check-off program? We need your voice to demand one. Read on to find out more information and how YOU can help this without any cost to you.
I’m partnering up with GRO Organic to let you know about what an organic check-off plan is and why you should support one. Our organic farmers and foodmakers should have the same options to problem solve that the rest of agriculture has. An organic check-off plan will them pool their own money to increase funding for organic agricultural research, to support farmers who want to convert their land to organic, and to promote the many benefits of choosing organic products.
This program will not take a dime from the American public. All organic certificate holders throughout the supply chain would pay a small fee to participate in the check-off– producers, handlers, processors, distributors, etc.
Did you know that an Organic Check-off program would generate money for the organic sector to:
• Educate consumers about what organic is and its benefits
• Distinguish organic from lesser claims and unregulated seals like “natural”
• Confirm the science behind the environmental and public health benefits of organic
• Undertake research to solve problems such as invasive pests and weed control
• Bring new farmers into organic production through information and technical assistance
• Reduce the supply crunch by transitioning farmland to organic production across the U.S.
The Organic Check-off would raise over $30 million per year for promotional, educational and research activities. Over time, this would be a game-changer for the organic sector. Doesn’t this sound reasonable?
Certified organic farmers, ranchers, handlers, processors, distributors, and other businesses across the organic supply chain have voiced their support for this trailblazing program that will fund research for today’s producers, provide technical assistance for tomorrow’s farmers, and educate consumers on the value of organic food and farming. From family-owned farms to large consumer brand manufacturers, there’s excitement about the opportunity to generate millions of dollars to address critical challenges and sustainably grow organic market share into the future. Nearly 1,400 organic stakeholders publicly support the Organic Check-off. 75% of the over 1,200 certified organic operations who have endorsed the check-off are farmers and ranchers.
Remember the popular campaigns, “The Incredible Edible Egg” and “Got Milk?” The Organic Check-off could enable an organic campaign with TV and media ads, in-store promotions, social campaigns, and other high profile promotional activities. There could be full page ads in influential print magazines not just one time, but every time.
Check out Mamavation’s article about the GRO Organic Check-off Program: http://mamavation.com/2017/01/support-organic-check-off.html
Download a BustTheMyths_GROOrganicCheckoff to see how the GRO Organic Check-off will be different.
So, I want to hear what YOU think — we need to work together to keep organic growing! Please tell the Department of Agriculture you support a research and promotion program for organic. Comment below (right under this post) and go to http://groorganic.net/consumer-action/ for more information.
Update: An interesting development has occurred with the changes being made by President Trump. It turns out that the check-off campaign deadline for comments on the federal register has actually been extended for another 60 days – which is now until May 15! Please comment now.
Organic Food is Important! Support the GRO Organic Check-off #GROorganic
I try to buy organic food when I can afford it.
Wow. I hadn’t heard of this. Submitted my comment.
This is amazing! I hope this becomes a reality because feeding my family should not so confusing.
Wow, this is great! I totally support growing organic and any initiatives that promote access and growth to and of organic food. Thanks for letting me know!
I totally support growing organic, submitted my comment to the USDA.