This post is sponsored by First Alert. As always, all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
We all have smoke alarms, but what about monitoring the CO levels in our homes? To be honest, I hadn’t been doing it and I had been thinking about getting a monitor when First Alert reached out to me and asked me to try their Onelink by First Alert® Environment Monitor in my home. The Onelink by First Alert® Environment Monitor features advanced sensing technologies to monitor for both high and low levels of CO, both of which can be hazardous to human health. This compact device (it’s about the size of your palm) tracks interior conditions that are important to children, pregnant women, and family members with asthma or other respiratory conditions. It monitors Carbon Monoxide, temperature, and humidity in your home and will actually alert you if things change, right on your IOS device. Onelink by First Alert Environment Monitor Helps Families Monitor CO Levels (+ Giveaway)

“Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless – but toxic and potentially deadly – gas emitted by common household appliances,” said Tom Russo, president of First Alert. “Standard CO alarms are designed to sense high levels of CO but will not detect low-level CO, which has been proven to be harmful to infants, the elderly and others with weak or compromised immune systems, with effects ranging from headaches and nausea to confusion and heart problems**. By monitoring for the presence of CO at all levels, the Onelink Environment Monitor provides protection for those most vulnerable and peace of mind for those who care for them.”

The compact Onelink Environment Monitor is a free-standing carbon monoxide monitor and alarm equipped with a 10-year internal electrochemical CO sensor. The first-of-its-kind innovation uses Apple’s revolutionary HomeKit technology to quickly notify users of any environmental changes or emergency conditions with CO with their connected iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch).

The powerful monitor detects and notifies the app user whenever CO readings register at or above nine parts per million over time (compared with 30–70 parts per million for a standard CO alarm). This low-level sensing ability is particularly important in homes with newborns, pregnant women or senior citizens, who can be especially susceptible to the effects of carbon monoxide**. When emergency levels of CO are detected, you are notified via the app’s push notification, the light flashes bright red and the device emits a loud, 85 decibel alarm, alerting that the area should be evacuated.

This is what you find when you open the box.
I was expecting it to be a lot bigger, but it fits in the palm of your hand.


Temperature Status
The Onelink by First Alert Environment Monitor also features built-in temperature sensors. A multi-colored LED ring on the monitor informs users at a glance regarding the status of their home’s temperature. The ring changes colors as temperatures shift. A white light glows if the room is at the programmed temperature, blue indicates the room is too cool and amber signifies it is too warm.

The ring is dimmable and the brightness can be adjusted based on preference, serving as a night light.
Note: Keep the Onelink Environmental Monitor plugged in. There is a battery backup, but if you keep the battery running you will have to replace it sooner. It takes a CR2 battery.
I do get messages on my iPhone when the temperature is too high in my house (which is good to know) and while I hope I never get a message about low levels or high levels of CO in my home, I feel protected by the Onelink in case it does happen.
Buy on Amazon.