My 2 1/2 year old toddler son climbed out of his crib on Friday. He was supposed to be taking a nap, when suddenly I heard a thud and a wail. I walked in and he was on his floor. Luckily he was fine. Today is 30 days from the last time we were at the Emergency Room for his mouth injury, due to a fall while holding a sippy cup. I was so relieved he wasn’t hurt! But then I realized this could keep happening and he could jump out again. Skylar’s 2 1/2 and not very verbal. I know he understands some things, but not sure if he will understand, “Don’t jump out of your crib!”.
We knew this was coming, yet I didn’t expect it this week. Or even this month. Or next month. I thought we had some time. This didn’t happen with my older son or my daughter, mainly because we transitioned both of them because we were expecting a baby and needed the crib for the new baby.

Sure, my toddler looks all sweet and innocent — but he’s a crib escapee.
So, after I was a little calmer and he was happily playing with his trains; I took my query to social media. The crib tent was suggested (but that has been recalled), toddler beds were suggested… and then my husband’s best friend made a suggestion: turn the crib around.
I’ll admit I scoffed initially. It’s a non-dropside and I thought it was the same height all around. Luckily it was higher on one side. I had put those EVA Foam Mats around the crib (I did know this was going to happen eventually).

Our “fix” for now
That night he slept in his crib and he continues to nap with no problem, but it’s time to shop for bunk beds for my two older kids. We’ll move my daughter’s toddler bed into his room as soon as we get them and that will be our solution for our toddler. I’m just hoping he doesn’t climb out again… This child is going to make my hair turn grey!
Okay, parents, what did you do when your little one climbed/fell out of their crib? I’d love to hear some solutions for getting them to stay in or what you did for your child’s sleeping arrangements.
Read my follow up post ——->
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