By Nancy Johnson Horn, Editor
Confession: I’m not very organized at times. Especially when my darling children come home bearing art projects. I’ve been known to pile them up, tack them up on the fridge (on top of their other artwork), misplace them or throw them out (I know, bad mom). It’s just so much stuff comes home and I’m overwhelmed. And with back to school upon us, I am dreading the piles of papers and projects, however precious it may be, coming home to clutter, my already cluttered home.

Two of my artists, hard at work.
But Keepy can help. Keepy is an app that let’s you take a photo of your child’s artwork, schoolwork, anything your child is proud of — but get this, their app makes it look SOO much better than just taking a picture (advanced technology recognizes the borders of photographs, creating a perfect crop). Then you can put your child’s artwork in their own gallery in the Keepy app and then share it with their fans (ie. the relatives). While there are apps similar, this one has special features including the narrative function, which enables kids to record the story behind the picture and the keepy-cam, through which loved ones can leave video comments on each keepy – so Grandma Sheila will get notified and she can respond by making a video reply (so cool and creates a special memory).
You have the option to share it on facebook or twitter or keep it private (and share with anyone YOU choose). You can also use your child’s art to make a custom iPhone case, print it out in a book, etc…
We attended the Keepy Launch at the Children’s Museum of Art in NYC recently and had such a blast.

Nice to “Moustache” you!
We got to make glitter moustaches, silkscreen bags, paint, play with our shadow, play in the huge ball pit, and decorate cookies.. Basically, it made my little artists very happy. The space was great and we loved having the run of the place. The Children’s Art Museum is definitely a great place to visit with kids.
At the event, I quickly sat down with the co- creator, Offir Gutelzon, who is a dad. Gutelzon, a serial entrepreneur, sold his decade-old image recognition company PicScout to Getty Images in 2011 and moved to the United States. He saw a need for this when his son kept bringing home art projects and they were piling up (boy, do I know that feeling!) Gutelzon explains, “After moving to New York, I discovered that sharing my kids creativity with family around the world was a daunting task. Keepy is a new way for families to connect and preserve memories by simply snapping and sharing.” He continues, “The experience is a game changer as it takes the smartphone, a device used by three generations, and uses its technology to offer synergized voice, video and photo capabilities and merges them into one keepy, a new form of content.”
Keepy is free at the iTunes App Store now for the iPhone and iPhone Touch (you get 50 Keepies free) and then there is an option to increase storage with an in-app purchase. It will be available on Google Play in the fall 2013. The price is still pretty reasonable and you do get 50 Keepies free– so I think that Keepy is a good idea.
The platform provides the space and the storage on the Keepy cloud forever. Keepies can also be shared on Facebook, Twitter and the Keepy Gallery, a community photolage. You can also send your Keepies to your dropbox.
We think it’s a great solution to keeping folderfuls of art or bogging down your refrigerator. Call me a convert! And it just may make me a better mom.
What do you do with all the art your children bring home?
I was not compensated for this post.
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