This post and video was sponsored by North Star Games.
Confession time: It’s not often when I can get my whole family involved in a playing game together, but Happy Salmon by North Star Games may have changed that. Check out our video below to see how to play Happy Salmon Card Game (it’s really quick and easy to learn) and to see how much fun we had. It’s a Toy of The Year (TOTY) Finalist! It’s fun, helps with learning directions and great to get your family moving (stand up for this one, folks). How to Play Happy Salmon Card Game | The Mama Maven Blog

Happy Salmon is the simple, fast-paced card game packed to the gills with high-fivin’, fin-flappin’ fun. Actions including the classic “High 5”, the unifying “Pound It”, the frantic “Switcheroo”, and the delightful “Happy Salmon” will leave players doubled over in laughter. With so many mini-celebrations built into the play, it’s the happiest game ever! Its for ages 6+ and you can have between 3 to 6 players in the original game (green packaging). There’s also a follow up blue set — which absolutely expands the fun. The blue version utilizes different colors so the two sets can be combined to make one, bigchaotically fun game for 7-12 people! We had a ball with my family of 5 and plan to get my in-laws involved in playing with us this weekend when we go for a visit. The more the merrier!
Buy for your family or gift it (they will thank you)!
For more info, go to

You can find it as most toy or specialty stores or use my Amazon link (note: affiliate link). It makes a great gift (or Stocking Stuffer) and will give you tons of fun!
I enjoy playing games with the grandkids — our favorites are Life and Yahtzee.
We do like playing games together. The current favorite is Tsuro.
We do! We enjoy playing UNO 🙂
We enjoy playing games together as a family. Some of our favorites are Boggle, Scattegories, and Rummy. Thanks.
We love playing games. My grandsons love operation.
I like to play Trouble.
We do like to play games. We like to play the game of Trouble.
Yes we play Sorry and Yahtzee and UNO!
we love having family game nights.
We do play games together sometimes. We all like to play UNO, Scrabble, Life, and Trivial Pursuit.
I would give this to my niece and her husband who do have game nights. The kids are still a little young to have game nights so they invite their friends over and have game nights about once a week 🙂
We enjoy playing Guess Who and Pop the Pig!
We play games together quite often. We play a lot of the oldies like clue, life, monoplys, yahtzee, and bananagrams.
Our favorite game to play is scrabble.
We love playing games. our favorite is UNO, Scrabble, and Yatchee.
we love playing games. Sorry, Pit and Phase 10 are some favorites.
My granddaughters love games they are 5 & 7 – they are slowly learning sharing and comprimising skills. They started with candy land and they love Loteria.
We like to play charades and pyramid. This game looks fun??