I bought the Fitbit Charge back in December. While I adore it, there’s one problem – it spontaneously unsnaps! I’ve almost lost it around 3-4 times. And for a device that I’ve paid that much for, I’m not happy. And I’m not the only one with this issue, it’s happened to several people I know.
To give myself a little piece of mind, I did two things.
1) I googled how to keep from losing Fitbit and found this post on reddit- https://www.reddit.com/r/fitbit/comments/28b7g9/never_losing_my_fitbit_flex_again/
Instead of taking the waxed cord, I took a hair elastic and tied it around one of the grooves (in a slip knot) and then it went around my wrist.
2) I bought the Bitbelt, which is a little band of silicone that slides on (make sure you slide it on both the outside and inside pieces of the band). It’s snug so the band won’t move. Go to Bitbelt.com and tell them that The Mama Maven sent you!
In the occasion that your Fitbit still falls off, call or email the company immediately. They can give you tips on how to find it and in some cases get you a new one.
Buy it on bitbelt.com or Amazon.
I bought my Fitbit and Bitbelt with my own funds. This is NOT a sponsored post. This post contains an affiliate links in this post. We get a small commission if you buy through this post. So buy through this post!
Why buy a “Bitbelt”? Buy an “O” ring in the plumbing dept of the hardware store. I would think it would be cheaper and you get more than one, you’ll get a little bag of them.
Thanks for the idea. I wouldn’t have known about that.
Thank you so much for these ideas! I already ordered a new band but I needed a solution for now since I am out of town. A hairband will do the trick until i get back home.
Have you actually tried contacting Fitbit? They have AMAZING customer service. I bought my Fitbit One in January of2014. This past May it stop holding charge and they sent me a new one in the mail free of charge. If you know others that are having the same issues I’m sure they would want to know and would be accommodating in helping you fix it.
Most of the people I talk to also has the same problem. If it falls off and I lose it I’ll contact them.
Any tips on how not to lose the charger cable?
Lol. I stash mine in the junk drawer by my charger. I try to charge it every Saturday night.
What a great idea, and so creative! I am still looking for my fitbit, but once I find it, I will definitely use this to keep it on me (and not lose it).
Contact customer service they can help