My kids are huge fans of the Avengers series. Black Widow, in particular, is a favorite character due to her incredible skills and abilities. I recently took my ten-year-old son to Spyscape, an espionage museum located in Times Square, to test out his skills and see if he can learn to be a spy just like Black Widow, just in time for the DVD/Blu-ray release! Celebrating the Release of Avengers: Endgame at Spyscape in NYC

Spyscape is an interactive museum that allows the visitors to take part in determining what type of spy they are meant to be, based on a series of super fun and challenging tests. My son had a blast taking all the different tests.
We started by going up a huge elevator, where we were briefed about our tasks as spies:

We used our wrist band to begin taking tests. Each band is personalized.

In the encryption room we deciphered codes:

We learned some deception skills:

We tested our observational skills at the Surveillance challenge:

We took a bunch of tests to test our personality, IQ and risk-taking abilities:

We also enjoyed seeing artifacts in the exhibit:

At the end we got our results for the profile. This profile system was developed by a former head of training at British Intelligence and assigns one of ten spy roles based on the tests. Our results: intelligence operative!

Spyscape was a blast!

I was not compensated for this post. I received complimentary tickets to Spyscape. This post does contain affiliate links.
Senior Reviewer Maytal Wichman is a freelance writer and has written for several blogs, including The Huffington Post. She has been living in the New York City area for eighteen years and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature as well as a Law Degree, but blogging is her true passion. Maytal is a stay-at-home mom to three kids (ages 12, 10 and 6) and loves finding great products for her family.
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