There are days when I don’t feel like a good mom. I’m torn in 16 different directions with work, kids, husband, the household, and this blog. Normally I wouldn’t call myself a “Bad Mom” — but after I saw Bad Moms last week, I began to think that being called a “Bad Mom” isn’t a bad thing.

Here’s the lowdown – I’m not going to spoil anything, but if you’re a mom — this is for you. Leave your spouse/boyfriend/partner/lover at home, this is one to see with a fellow mom or two or three.
Amy Morrison (played by Mila Kunis) seemingly has it all; 2 kids, a great job, and a great husband. It all comes crashing down, but then she meets Kiki (Kristen Bell) and Carla (Kathryn Hahn — who totally steals the show) and she learns to accept herself. She battles Gwendolyn, the Queen Bee of the PTA (played by Christina Applegate) to make moms accept that they don’t have to be perfect. Jada Pinkett Smith and Annie Mumolo are in Gwendolyn’s entourage and round out the comic relief (Jada’s serious and Annie’s clueless).

It was hysterical and I did blush a little bit. There were definitely some mom stereotypes in there – like the evil PTA President, but I haven’t encountered anything like that. The message to be easier on ourselves was a good one though and we love this movie.
Thanks to the hostess with the mostess, Natalie Zfat (who was so sweet), and sponsors Graco Baby and Cuddl Duds, we were able to screen the movie and then head over to Beautique Dining and enjoy some treats and cocktails as we learned about the new Graco Extend2Fit™ Car Seat and Cuddl Duds’s new (and super cute baby line).

The Extend2Fit Car Seat can go rear or forward facing and extends a child’s legs up to 5 inches. Perfect for that toddler that is growing, but not old enough (or big enough) to face forward. I wish this had been around when my kids were toddlers!
Purchase here for $199.

Yes, that’s me with a cocktail (Moscow Mule) in hand. Perfectly okay for a movie screening party — I’m really not that bad of a mom!

Cuddl Duds has now adding a baby line to their line of products and I’m in love. Almost makes me want to have another baby… almost, folks.

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