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I live in New York City and living in New York City means that pests. We have mosquitos (yes, even this close to winter), mice, and even roaches (UGH). We’ve also had ants in the past and some spiders. Frankly, I’m not a fan of these pests. What’s a modern parent to do, keeping in mind that I don’t want harmful chemicals around my family if I can’t help it? What if there was a better way to take care of pests? There is – you get pest repellent products from Earthkind. Read on for more info and a fall cleaning checklist!

Years ago, I severely limited the pest extermination in our apartment because my kids always were crawling around and then putting their hands in their mouth. While they are older now, I still don’t want those chemicals around. I preferred to suffer pests than to use chemicals around my apartment. We frequently check our windows and walls to make sure no pests can get in and we plug up the gaps by our pipes – but they still get in our apartment!
I also couldn’t really find products that were safe to use that would really work. I’m happy to report since we’ve had EarthKind’s products in my home, things are much better.

Who Wants Mosquitos? We don’t.

Since right now we’re having the most trouble with Mosquitos. My kids and I get bitten often. I’ve been using the Stay Away Mosquitos Insect Repellent Spray on my whole family nightly before they go to sleep. Since we use it religiously now, I haven’t seen bites. However, I did forget one night and I had a huge bite the next day. You need to apply it every 14 hours. The Stay Away Mosquitoes includes Picardin (20%) and offers 14 hour effective protection from mosquitos and ticks, also repels biting flies, gnats and chiggers (8 hours for those). It can be used on pregnant women and is water resistant.

It also comes in a smaller container that you can throw in your purse. It’s less than half the size of my phone and about as thick.
Eeek, Mice!

A few years ago, the building right in behind us started construction and we’ve had mice ever since. I would even see them sometimes. I didn’t feel comfortable with glue traps and I didn’t like letting them run through my house. So we plugged up all the holes in the apartment and behind my kitchen cabinets we put steel wool. It helped, but not entirely. Now we are using fast-acting Stay Away Mice. You simply take it out of the package and let the scent pouch do it’s thing for 60 days. It contains cedarwood oil, rosemary oil and spearmint oil (I think it smells great), but it repels mice. It works because mice have bad eyes, but a good sense of smell. So overpowering their tiny noses with something that doesn’t smell good to them (but we can enjoy) is the answer. Place in areas where you’ve seen mice or think they would like (the mice in my house love the area behind my couch ). Replace when the scent diminishes.

Fall Cleaning Checklist for Pest Prevention

We love EarthKind’s Fall Cleaning Checklist for Pest Prevention – download it here.
Why We’re Fans of EarthKind
Here’s why we are fans of Earthkind. These plant-based repellents are made with USA-sourced botanical fibers and essential oils and they work! I love that they are safe around my kids (and safe around pets too).
About EarthKind
Founded by female farmer turned conscious CEO, EarthKind’s award-winning Stay Away product line delivers highly effective plant-based repellents made with USA-sourced botanical fibers and essential oils. I’m happy that they don’t include dangerous toxins and chemicals.
You can find purchase info on EarthKind’s website or purchase directly on Amazon. We’ve declared this a must for apartment and house-dwellers.
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