I was given tickets to the show to facilitate this review.
We got a chance to see The Play That Goes Wrong in NYC recently and it was a total blast! This show is perfect for families and will have all members of the family – from 8 to 80 in total hysterics. Review: The Play That Goes Wrong – Hysterically Funny and Perfect for Families

(Instagram @JeremyDanielPhoto)
This Olivier Award-winning comedy was so funny — think Monty Python + Sherlock Holmes. This is a show about a play within a play. A college’s theatre troop is having the opening night of their show, The Murder at Haversham Manor. Things start going from bad to worse. There’s an unconscious leading lady, a stand-in leading lady that won’t literally leave the stage, a corpse that won’t play dead, and actors who trip over everything (including their lines).

By Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields and directed by Matt DiCarlo – • (L-R): (top) Bartley Booz, Brent Bateman, and Matt Walker. Seated: Chris Lanceley & Ashley Reyes – Photo: Jeremy Daniel
(Instagram @JeremyDanielPhoto)
As things get crazier and crazier, you will laugh more and more. My eight year old can do the exact name of the show in deadpan, “The Murder at Haversham Manor”. He couldn’t believe how nuts the show got and by the time the set starting falling down he was on the floor of the theatre giggling. We walked out of the show laughing and would definitely see it again. So, if you like to laugh, this is definitely the show for you!

For more info about the show, go to: https://www.broadwaygoeswrong.com/
I love Will Ferrell and ali Wong
Dave Chappelle
How do you make a napkin dance?
Put a little boogie in it!