My toddler, Skylar, is doing much better a week after his fall (here’s what happened). His lip looks so much better and is healing nicely (though there will be a scar). We went to the pediatric dentist on Wednesday and he may only lose 1-2 teeth, not 3 like we thought. His #D tooth (one of the maxillary lateral incisors) went up into his gums and seems to be erupting naturally (coming out). We’re hoping it will come out on its own, but we may have to take him to an oral surgeon. The other tooth that has trauma, #E, which is one of his front teeth, is turning gray (which means it’s dying). But it could have been much worse..
And he’s eating again! I realized on Monday that he could eat more than I thought and I stopped feeding him via the medicine syringe. Read this post to see how I was feeding him. He let me give him yogurt Monday night and let me feed him oatmeal on Tuesday. Tuesday night I left food within his reach while I was cooking dinner and he ate! But there’s one thing I won’t do anymore – let him walk around with a cup!
That was unfortunate! I hope he’s doing well right now. Children could be so playful that they tend to get into trouble. This is why it’s important for the parents to keep a close supervision at all times as possible for their safety especially when outdoors.
Thanks, he fell at home, while running around and holding a sippy cup.